Monday, January 16, 2012

The Universe speaks

Some of you might know that I get messages from the Universe. Some of you out there get the same messages, so you'll know what I'm talking about. What I'm not talking about is strange voices or communications zapped down from on high (or the product of an overactive imagination). Although sometimes, I admit, they can feel that way. I get them from here, and I've been getting them via email once or twice a week now for well over a year.

Some of the messages are (scarily, wonderously) perfect for the day or week I'm having. Some just cause me to take a breath and reflect. Some make me laugh out loud. Some make me cry. Some make me really take stock and think. Some inspire me, truly inspire me, awakening something deep inside that I've known was always there but either forgot about, let lie dormant for much too long or didn't realize was in there at all. Some are just nice notes that seem to be exactly tailored to my life in general. All of them are personal. Mine. For me. Even if they're the exact same note that someone else (you, perhaps?) has received as well. And that's what makes them special.

I have a huge folder of the ones I've saved -- ones I thought especially noteworthy or poignant. You'll remember a few posts ago, I was trying to find one (unsuccessfully). I have this crazy (or not) notion that one day, I'll cut and paste them all into one long, lovely book, that I can read and reread -- and be inspired and amazed and awed all over again.

I'm not all that "into" the website from which these lovely notes come, nor have I been actively interested in attending the live seminars from the site's founder that occasionally pass through my area, nor am I interested in the book (which is not to say that if I took the time, I would be, or that you might be as well). But what I live for, what I look forward to, what I really appreciate and believe in, are the notes. They're not trite, or overly anything. They simply are. And that's what makes them perfect.

Today's was (as usual) a good example of something I needed to hear, coming right off the heels of a marathon editing and index checking weekend, with the laundry still in the dryer, a blog post still to (again!) compose, dishes in the sink, Christmas decor still piled and un-stored -- including the still fully assembled tree -- all in the days before a huge Colorado trip for which I have a ton to do and pack and prepare and....

Anyway, here's what it said. I share it with you:
Today, just do a little bit, so I can do a lot of bit. That's how it works.
 - huge love, The Universe

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