Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A bit of a break

So for the first time, I know in a way how my husband feels when he returns from a trip. We were away from Grif for 10 days, and suffice it to say, he changed a ton during that time. I swear he was talking much, much more and definitely more clearly in that short week and a half apart. It was disconcerting almost. And, to top it all off, I'm beginning to think we may have been away for too long for his age. Do I regret our Colorado trip? Absolutely not. But it was hard on Grandma, and really hard on Grif. All of which made me sad -- he schedule was so disrupted, he had real trouble sleeping and now he's back-slid more than a little when it comes to his calls of nature.

Which is not the point. The point was perception -- I get it a bit better now. When Jim comes home after being away, I understand his sometime frustration that routines and patterns have changed. That Grif seems less interested in playing with him. That Grif seems a bit more inclined to throw a fit or have a meltdown. It was kind of an eye-opener, and one that I'm not likely to get another chance at. It hurt my heart a little, to see how fast that little boy changes, both adapting and resisting. But for as much as it was hard on him, it was so very necessary for Jim and me.

And the break from my daily blogging? Easy to forgive the breaks. Not so easy to get back into the swing. Ah, vacation. How effectively you wield that double-edged sword. Love you when your on, but killer when trying to recover when you're over. Makes me think there's something to be said for home. It's where the heart is, after all. Most definitely.

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