Thursday, November 5, 2009

Short, Sweet Tennyson

Since yesterday's post was extraordinarily long, I thought I'd keep this one short, sweet and let the Tennyson speak for itself. This is the "other" quote, the one that I spoke of that was paired so singularly with Invictus in a certain little book. They were the first set of lines I truly memorized (so struck was I by them), and even all these (20) years later, can still recite by heart:
Come, my friends, 'tis not too late to seek a newer world...for my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset...
And though, we are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are --
one equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will, to strive, to seek, to find...and not to yield.

Today, think of your strength and will, your own truly heroic heart, and remember to never yield that which moves you, makes you, IS you (it's not too late, never too late). Hear, hear, Alfred.

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