Friday, November 6, 2009

In other words

I've decided today to give thanks. To make a list (well before the obligatory turkey day). And to truly feel thankful for all these things -- taking a moment to celebrate each one, revel in it, smile at it, shed a tear (if it warrants it), and just be truly, honestly, completely, wholly thankful.

Today, I want to be full -- full to bursting -- with thanks.

I'm thankful for my good, good life.
Thankful for my strength, my beauty, my breath.
For my healthy, glorious, gorgeous son, Griffin.
My loving, giving, silly husband.
My wonderful circle of friends and soul-mates.
My crazy, fantastic family.
My dear parents.
My warm, colorful house.
The Jeep Wrangler I had for 17 years.
My reconstructed knees.
Pictures of Griffin -- laughing, making faces, caught on film.
Hot, bubble-filled, hour-long baths.
My talking dog, Kota, gone almost one year now...
The way-cool summer hat we found for Grif that he wore constantly.
Concerts with my husband.
Sleeping in with my husband.
Naps on the couch with (on) my husband.
Nectarine pie.
My little farm in the woods.
My son's blue eyes.
Earl Grey tea.
Sunny days and fresh powder on a ski trip.
Music. Music. Music.
Rich, decadent food (notably Raclette, my special fish, my dad's ribs, my mom's Mexican food).
Burnt-orange, harvest full moons.
Hippie skirts and tie-dye tops.
Finishing a 60-mile walk for breast cancer (and raising over $3,000 for the cause).
Afternoon coffee field trips and lunches on the playa.
Crystal-clear memories of my wedding day.
The power of words.
Roller coaster rides.
My singular mind, body and soul.
The crash of the waves.
The smell of the ocean.
Winter sunsets.
The look on my son's face when he sees me.
The smile in my husband's eyes when he sees me.
Long lunches.
Long trips.
Three-day weekends.

And most of all, I'm thankful for lists like these that help me let go of my sad, selfish, melancholy thoughts and remember what is truly so very, very good about this life of mine. And revel in it. With my whole, thankful heart.

1 comment:

Kris said...

I swear I didn't see this before I made my list! There must've been a gratitude vibe floating around that day that made us both write about what makes us thankful. Love it.