And somehow, another month (plus) has passed, a new year has begun, and the craziness of the holidays has come and gone without a word here. Instead of apologizing, vowing to change, or wishing that I could do something different, I'm trying -- no, doing -- something new. Slightly different. Instead, right now, I'm simply thankful that I'm able to carve out these few minutes now to be here. To do this. And that you're here along with me. Everything as it should be. Kind of an interesting twist on looking at things, no?
I've been listening to the universe a lot lately. Both the universe at large, and the universe as it speaks through a favorite source. Even better, not just listening to the universe, but really hearing it. I saw a sign the other day while driving -- one of those digital road signs that usually blinkingly proclaim "road work ahead 2 miles, proceed with caution" -- only this one actually said, "You are blessed. Be thankful for this good life." Ok, I thought, I'm listening. I get it. And I think it's awesome.
Another day, I got a note from the universe, telling me to "ask my question, feel the answer. Ask, feel, ask, feel. It's that easy." It is that easy, isn't it? My question was of course, "when?" (can I find the right job that will let me spend more time with my husband and boy and still be financially viable) and the soothing, believable, obvious answer was immediately, overwhelmingly, absolutely "soon." Ask. Feel. When? Soon. Ask...feel...when...soon. WHEN? SOON! Even more striking, I believed it. Truly believed it. Still do. It's become my mantra, especially during yoga. Inhale when. Exhale soon. It's perfect, really.
For the new year, I was tempted to do the same-old start over, wipe the slate clean, set new goals thing. But again, at a suggestion, instead I'm looking at it this way....I'm giving thanks that life is just as it is (and always has been). Knowing that what I want is already mine by divine law (and I'm not worrying about how I'll get there) and just focusing on the ownership, the absoluteness of this and letting the rest take care of it itself. I'm following my impulses and instincts, and above all, I know that 2011 is going to be my year (more to the point, it already is).
I even had my tarot cards read the other night, out of curiosity and compulsion, to know if everything I was thinking and feeling already this year would shine through somehow with a turn of a card. Suffice it to say, much of it did. And although I didn't need confirmation to know that the path I'm on is unequivocally the right one, the best one, it certainly was comforting and lovely to hear a voice of resounding agreement.
I've started wearing a yoga charm made by the fabulous Rachel at The Yoga Bar, which reads "Salutations to Ganesha" -- remover of obstacles and the symbol for new beginnings. I'd even go so far as to say it called to me. I love what it represents -- the hope, the knowledge, the certainty. It just seemed too perfectly right.
So -- this may seem a wee bit more mystical than usual, and much of this I've shared with some of you already via email, coffee or conversation, but it simply had to be the first post of this wonderful new year. And even though we all have those same dreams and aspirations and hopes for change and discovery as a new season begins, the difference -- the one I believe and know and feel with utter happiness and certainty and peace -- is knowing (not just believing) that everything will work out as it should. Oh, yes, it will. That I will move mountains (and they will say, "thank you, dude!). And that there is simply no such thing as thinking too big.
Wow. Pretty cool, no?
invisible apple cake
3 days ago